Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ryan turns 9 months old

We are so happy with how our little guy is growing and he is such a happy little guy.  He does get his feelings hurt from time to time but thankfully he is happy pretty much all the time.  

I took him into his 9 month appt and he is 30 inches long and weighs 24 pounds 7 pounces.  He is waving, clapping, saying Mama, Dada, ba (ball-he will say it when he has a ball) and will make the K sound for Kiki.  He actually plays ball with Rob, will figure out a way to record and post this weekend, and he also makes a sign and has a 'y' sound like yes.  He does not crawl (probably due to his size) but he does scoot to where he wants to go. I tried giving him solids (avocado) last week but it didn't so well so I will try again in a month or so.  All they need is breast milk in the first 12 months so I am just taking his lead on it.  

I am so sorry!

Suzie asked me about the blog and I cannot believe that I have not updated since December 1st.  oops.  :(  Won't happen again.