Sunday, September 10, 2006

First day of Sunday school

We have a little girl in our life, no longer a baby. She is turning two at the end of the week, playing more by herself, and now off to her first school. WAHHH!!!

Her vocab is impressive, mastering the colors and starting on shapes, she is also working on her alphabet. She is also using 5 words sentences now. The past three weeks she has developed so many new words and her understanding is amazing.

We go to Tyler's school every morning and pick him up every afternoon and as we crest the hill she will say, 'Pick Tyler up school' and we go through the same converstation morning and afternoon. Well, this morning we were talking about her going to Sunday school today and that she was going to be a big girl and she seemed to be pretty into it. As we went up the hill this morning she said her usual words and then they were followed by "school me?" She remembered!!! After signing her up and filling out the paperwork she was ushered in and there was no looking back. I have to say that it was pretty hectic as there were a lot of moms and children trying to do the same thing as me. We received an ID bracelet that has a number on it. There are two little monitors on the church walls that will read the number of the child who needs their parents. Both Rob and I thought we would be see our number on the screen but 90 minutes later we went to pick her up and we sat there so happy to see our little girl playing with the other kids. The lady said she was wonderful especially with having never been to a daycare. Phew! Rob asked her if she had fun at Sunday school and she said 'YES!" not just yes. LOL.

Now, the funny part will be tomorrow when we take our familiar drive and crest the hill and then I will probably hear "me school?" How sad will that be? I will most likely have to take her into the church to show her that there is no other child in there playing. Knowing her she will want to stay and play with the new toys anway....I will take a snack cooler just in case we have to stay.

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