Sunday, February 24, 2008


We were quite surprised as our closest cousins decided to join us for Church today. We haven't seen much of Liz and Sarah since Liz went back to work but now they will see us every Sunday! I went to peak on them during a bathroom break for me and they were reading books together. How cute! Liz and I went to pick them up after Church and they were eating side by side. I think they miss each other as well.

Had to include this one even though Alyssa's eyes are almost closed because Sarah looks so cute.
We have a water fountain in the lobby of our church and I was going for artistic but it didn't happen. It would have turned out better if I could have gotten closer to the girls but I didn't feel like wading in the little pool.

A church morning tradition...Daddy and Mommy get coffee and the kids get muffins.
I bought her some new bows yesterday and a pair of tights and she was all excited to wear them this morning. Surprisingly, she forgot about the really pretty clogs that she HAD to have even though they are most impratical. I guess she will wear those another day. She has been very bossy when it comes to her hair and while I like her having an opinion, I really only like it when it suits me. I had envisioned doing her hair a different way with that bow but she would have none of it. She only wanted a frenchbraid and then the bow. But I do love how excited she gets when I am done with her hair. She jumps off the step stool and runs to show her Daddy and Tyler. That makes me happy. ;)

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