Friday, June 11, 2010

Alyssa's wedding

We are at the Cox house this weekend with their kids, Sophie (10), Jackie (7) and Cole (5). I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and I saw Alyssa run down the stairs headed toward the door all dressed up. I followed her and asked her where she is going. She yelled, while still running, "Mommy I am getting married!" Say what? yep, apparently Alyssa and Cole married this afternoon complete with marriage license. I am actually afraid to ask if they kissed. eegads...

Cole dipped my little girl! I had a little issue with it at first, not sure why. What was crazy is that HE went along with what my daughter wanted. Not Cole-like at all.

Actually very cute pic of them. ;D

Marriage License-signed by Jackie.

Sophie told Cole he needed to give his wife a gift and so he gave her Kiki and she acted surprised. What goofs.

1 comment:

smolon said...

love the adorable little newlyweds!!! so cute!