Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Happy hollow

This is our friend Carmen and her 5 year old son Diego at Happy Hallow today. I cant stand the greedy SOB"s they call 'goats' because they will eat your fingers off. Okay, maybe not that mean but they know what they want and they will go after it! I sent Carmen in with the kids to feed them so I could 'take some pics' ha ha...totally fooled her. ; )

After a few times of losing the food to the white goat since he knew how to open the lid and eat the food right out of the dispenser she had to use her knee. I tried taking a pic but I was laughing too hard. The more muscle she used the more he would use. He almost won.
I have no idea where she gets the posing from but sometimes it works to her advantage. Sometimes I think she should have been born to a pageant mom because she would have had a lot of fun!

This is a big deal because I won't let her go on the swings at Great America even though she is tall enough. These ones are little so if she fell she would only fall 2 feet.

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