Monday, December 01, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

So we drove over 30 minutes to Lemos Farm and we didn't get any pumpkins OR shots with the pumpkins.  It was too cold for Ryan to take off his jacket but the kids had matching pumpkin shirt. I really wanted to get their pictures for their Halloween card but it just didn't happen.  
Alyssa's friend Gianna, Amelia, and Gianna's sister Neila all riding the train.  I walked behind the train with the double stroller.  They thought it was funny that the boys and I had to walk.  Next year we will ride!
Alyssa riding the horse.  What a wonderful morning!

I thought it would be freezing up their since it is so close to the water but it wasn't.  In fact, the sun was pretty warm.  

Festival of Lights Parade

The festival of Lights is a parade that is hosted by the small town of Los Altos.  Think Disneyland parade on a much smaller scale. They have some of the princesses, Tigger, Pooh etc without the 7 hour drive and 2K price tag.  :D  

Ryan LOVED all of the lights.  He was supposed to be napping however all the pretty lights was too much to resist.  He was very well behaved so I can't complain.  

Baby looks much better than Daddy in a beanie. ;)~
Our friend Amy's daughter Amanda.  
Alyssa posing in the window waiting for Daddy to bring us our Starbucks.  One day she got a milk and they put it in a tall cup like our lattes and even though it is just milk she calls it her coffee nut latte.  I guess that is a cross between my toffee nut latte and Daddy's morning coffee.  The part that gets me is that my son is drinking coffee now and Rob asks him if he wants it at home!  I just think he is too young but apparently he drinks it at school and at Church.  On the other hand, it could stunt his growth.  Maybe coffee isn't so bad after all.

Hanging around the house

Bath time!

I really loved this picture but I couldn't remove the shadow off his face.  :(

Thursday, November 27, 2008



What a wonderful fall day!  We all stayed home and spent the day cooking, playing the wii and bonding with each other.   Part of me would have enjoyed going to spend the day with our extended family but the other part (the part that was in my jammies all day)  was content to be at home.  Plus, tomorrow will be a big day with climbing around the mountain looking for the perfect tree.  

Alyssa dressed up as an Indian Princess for her Thanksgiving party at school.  It was really cute.  Each child had to bring a lunch for a friend and write a card saying what they were thankful for about this friend.  Each child got up in front of the class, held a microphone and 'read' their letter to their friend.  They were very excited about this.

I didn't get any pictures of her at the party because my old camera took a turn for the worse.  So off to Best Buy we went last night.  Thanks to Jen, I bought my first SLR camera and LOVE IT!

In between taking care of the baby, cooking and watching the family play the Wii, I watched a few tutorials on the camera and i can't wait to use it in the mountains tomorrow.  Hopefully I will get pics for the Christmas cards and newsletter.  

Saturday, October 04, 2008

A birthday party for Sarah

This time is nuts for us and birthdays but we love it. I like to think it prepares us for the holiday season because we have many parties for 6 weeks, off for 3 weeks and then Thanksgiving is here.
We went to a pizza parlor and they had individual pizzas for the kids to make. Very cute idea!
Sarah and Alyssa posing on the pumpkin. Looking forward to going to the pumpkin patch!

All the kids at the party. Nathan is the little boy on the left and we just celebrated his birthday 10 days ago, he also turned 4


The kids were supposed to raise their hand up and say "Ole!" but only our little ham did it. Nathan did crack up at that though.

Our little guy

This is by far one of the cutest pics I got. I love it when he purses his lips together. Adorable!

Look at his rolls! So darn cute. I wear him most of the time and I get people all the time commenting on his legs since that is really the only thing that see.

He just sneezed from the flash (I think) and his eyebrows turned red.

Loves his excersaucer.

Bath time! Well, actually they just got out. Froggie and kitty are ready for bed.

Ryan is 4 months and is getting stronger and louder by the day. He is started to make sounds that I can understand and he actually enjoys tummy time unlike his sister. I think he will be crawling a lot sooner than Alyssa did for this reason. He just rolled over two days ago from tummy to back. He also will lift up his hands when you go to pick him. My aunt told me the other day that when I walked up he leaned over to me. Of course I believed her. ; ) He weighs a whopping 22 pounds (remember Alyssa was only 18.6 on her first birthday). I don't think he will get bigger only taller now as his %'s actually decreased a little bit as opposed to staying the same like they did at his 2 month appt.

The birthday girl turns 4!

The birthday fairy once again came to the Hunt household and decorated the birthday girl's room. She was so happy to see the decorations. We have a video monitor in her room that brightens her room up quite a bit so when one of them woke up they saw all the decorations and woke the other one up. (will never have kids who share the same room for this reason LOL)

We walked into her room singing Happy Birthday with her favorite breakfast...french toast with cream cheese only Daddy forgot the cream cheese. oops. In his defense I asked him to go get the french toast ready (key word was ready) since we all know that it isn't french toast unless it has the cream cheese on it. She was still happy although she did ask about it. Ha.
One of the gifts that the Birthday Fairy left for her. The shirt says "I'm the birthday princess, It is my day!"

Amelia has never seen the birthday fairy before. Luckily her birthday was a week before Alyssa's so there was no questions as to why the fairy didn't decorate her room. Her mom is
probably hoping that she forgets it by next year. Ha.
We went to Red Robin (her choice) for her birthday dinner. They all sang to her and she was quite shy but apparently it was worth sitting through it for her ice cream. She only got 4 bites and then she gave it to Tyler. Score one for big brother!

The eve of her 4th birthday

Her little friend Amelia spent the night and boy did they have a great time. They find such joy in bathing together that it seriously cracks me up. Even picking out pj's is a blast for them!

Bathing beauties!

Gotta love animal towels. We bought these two towels when Alyssa was born and she uses them every night. I really do love Pottery Barn Kids and this is why!

Last night as a 3 year old!

Mommy and Me playdate

We went on a Mommy and Me playdate this morning and it was such a nice way to bond...baking! There is this cute little store owned by two moms who apparently loved baking so they opened up a little shop for us to come in with our wee ones and have some fun. They have all sorts of different things like making pizza, cookies, muffins, cakes but the best part is that it is all customed for individual treats and they go down an assembly line and read the sign that tells them how much to put it and they do it. It is great! It also works on their math, counting, adding, and of course the time with Mom!

The very first thing we do is wash our hands! She put on her apron first but the owner doesn't know Mommy's rules. ;) I let them slide this time.

Her friends went with us. Gianna is on the left and Natalie is in the middle.

The little signs are in front of them and they read it and then count how much it tells them. So cute.

Even with having to bake and chat with friends she still had time to strike a pose!

The finished product. Pumpkin muffins!