Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ryan turns one week!

We are in heaven. It is such a pleasure snuggling with our little love bug all day and night. We took him for his one week check up and our holistic PD said that he was 21 1/2 inches long (an inch shorter than he was at birth) and 11 pounds and 15 ounces. Our allopathic PD said that he was 12 pounds and 2 ounces and 22 inches long. ha! What do they know? We know that he is perfect and that is all that matters.
The jaundice was a 15.2 which slightly increased in the 24 hours that we had him at home. However both PD's said that his coloring is perfect and there is no need to test him again. Wahoo!

Our allopathic Dr. is concerned with his weight which surprises me because he knows how our kids are with their weight...small but he still wants us to come in next week for another weigh in. Dr. Song didn't even comment on it but we are to see her in 2 weeks.
So far, both Rob and I have been good at dating each of our kids. It has worked out well and I am sure we will continue to do it this way. Now if only we had time to date ourselves?!?

The only thing that I had forgotten about newborns is the amount of laundry they require and a boy has ten times more because they spray like the whales do. High and mighty. My laundry has even increased. But isn't he worth it??
Big sister loving little brother....or getting her picture taken. I think it might be a toss up. ;)

First picture of the three of them.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ryan's birth!

Will write tomorrow. loading pics took awhile but I knew Mary Beth took some for you Suz. Will also download the ones from today and his first DR. app.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Hard to believe that Ryan is almost here

I went to my Dr. appt and everything is looking really good. She said that if I go in labor again to embrace it and call her as opposed to meditating and trying to relax. I think I would have gone to the hospital last time if my mom was here as we need her to run the house while Rob and I are on vacation. :D

We are all ready for him and so excited to meet him. Alyssa is over the moon and loves to kiss my belly and talks to him. A few times she has read to him and it is so precious. I cannot wait to see her interact and love him without my belly in the way.

She continues to talk about the purple and pink sparkly bear that Ryan is going to give her at the hospital. I am not sure if I wrote this before but when we went into Build a Bear about a month or so ago she saw the bears and went to my tummy and asked Ryan to give it to her. It was so cute. Although for Ryan's sake, he had better bring her those bears!

The nights are the worst for me. I just can't seem to stay asleep and I don't have the energy to bake or cook at night so I just sit on the couch watching the time go by. At least with Ryan here I can make myself useful by caring for him when I am awake.

6 more days and counting down...

Church on the Hill's Spring Fling

Back in February, Alyssa was asked to participate in a special dance that was going to be debuted at the Preschool Spring Sing. This is the first time Alyssa was selected for anything and boy were we proud! Only two kids from each class was asked. Every Thursday for 45 minutes the kids would practice their performance. Rob took the still pictures and I took the video. We will transfer it on DVD as soon as I get some more DVDs which should be this weekend.

Alyssa and Jenn's daughter, Tea. (the one who gives her all the special clothes)

Happy Hollow with the Rideout girls

Melissa and I took the kids to Happy Hollow and we all had a blast. It amazes me how much Alyssa loves the rides even the fast ones at Great America. Rob took the kids to Great America last Saturday for some Daddy time and we ALL enjoyed that afternoon.
Lyle's 5 year old sister Ava, Amelia, and Alyssa riding the lady bugs.

Nothing better than feeding goats....

Ava, Lyle, Amelia, and Alyssa

The two girls wanted their pictures taken...